Ramón Laserna
Colombian photographer and visual artist born in Bogotá in 1977, Ramón Laserna develops his style by fusing photography and kinetic art. His work is distinguished by the optical illusion created by the use of geometric shapes and colors. He employs a variety of techniques, from image stitching to photographic grids.
His work has been exhibited in various galleries, museums and festivals in Colombia, including the Casas Reigner Contemporary Art Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art and the Bogotá International Photography Festival.Fotología 6/ ArtBo", Gallery Le Garaje, Galerie La Cometa, among others; as well as in the Dominican Republic, the United States, Spain and Germany. and the La Balsa Gallery, which currently represents him; as well as in the Dominican Republic, the United States, Spain and Germany.
In 2017, Ramón Laserna and Claudia Isabel Navas presented a sound and light installation in the grotto of the Great Rock.Lumières d'Orchidéesfeaturing a series of shadows of Colombian orchids collected and drawn by Humboldt and Bonpland in the early 19th century, animated by a play of light. They follow the irregular, rocky shapes of the cavern. The projections show the spectres in the intimacy of a cave, inhabiting the site like the cave paintings in the Amerindian tombs of Tierradentro.
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