Youssef Boubekeur
The Bic pen became Youssef Boubekeur's favourite tool, which
he uses almost exclusively. The line of the ballpoint pen is both precise...
and indelible. It forces the artist to build with and on his mistakes,
which he completely incorporates into his creative process. His art is an art of
precision and spontaneity, he works on his drawings as one
would sculpt material.
Using the ballpoint pen is also the pleasure of modifying its primary purpose, central
idea in the work of Youssef Boubekeur. Creating the spectacular
from the commonplace, giving birth to the "beautiful" by means of a simple instrument of everyday life, known and used by all, this could not displease this street-art lover, attentive to place art at the heart of everyone's everyday life. Youssef Boubekeur draws almost exclusively with the blue "Bic". Thus, his drawings, soft monochrome, reveal their precision,
their hyperrealism and all their beauty.
Youssef Boubekeur met the French artist JR who, in 2007, led
him to a street art project in Israel and Palestine, the now famous
Face2Face project. Thereafter, the artist regularly participated
in JR's various projects around the world. The influence of street-art
is obvious in Youssef Boubekeur's work. It manifests itself through his attraction
for large format works and his desire for a simple,
generous and funny art, aimed at the greatest number of people.